SEG Awards Level 1 Awards in Workers' Right And Labour Exploitation
We have been asked by the Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA) to pilot the Level 1 Awards in Workers’ Rights and Labour Exploitation
The SEG Awards ABC Level 1 Award in Workers’ Rights and Labour Exploitation has been developed to raise awareness of the basic employment rights provided by UK law. Learners will gain an understanding of the job application process and how to spot if an advertisement is genuine or not. They will also gain the tools to enable them to understand whether or not they, or a colleague, are being exploited and the process for how this should be reported.
Subjects will include:
1. Understand the process of searching for a job
2. Understand the key differences between common types of employment
3. Understand basic employment rights
4. Understand how to recognise the signs of labour exploitation
The course was really well explained and structured, the class was easy to follow and all the videos and content were easy to follow through an online platform. I really enjoyed the first session and 4-hours passed quickly, it was well balanced and paced. and all content was explained clearly.